I know a bit late for this but had to make time to write and publish, even though the images were taken like 2 weeks ago. Christmas the time everyone starts decorating their houses and venues a month before. Credits in the end.
Christmas or Xmas whatever you call, just a holiday for many, alot more for the ones that love family and decorations. Which includes me, I just need an excuse to decorate and celebrate, rejoice with my friends and family :) .
It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. ~ W.T Ellis
Decorating on SL? whos gona see? Huh Stupid!!!
Well yeaa might be. but some people just want to experience it in every way, even in pixels... afterall its all about the feeling.
Are you Catholic? Christian? too religious?
Nope!. Like I said I just love to decorate and celebrate. Thats just me.
All the decoration ideas were mine, he was just there admiring, and... like i said distracting :D I enjoyed his company as usual. Whos HE? will tell later :). Below are the Credits for The 3 beautiful shots. Not an easy job to select the best image but I loved it!
Location: Fair Winds Marina (My Home!!!!)
Outfit: Mady:
*Vanilla Bae* Karly Bodysuit from ~uber~ Monthly Event ( I will update credits about his outfit later )
Envious - Sasha Stockings
Tee*fy Heather Cardigan
Hair: TRUTH VIP GIFT - Ciara
Tree & Decor: +Half-Deer+ Christmas Decor Set [Traditional]
Poses: L y r i u m_ X m a s . M a g i c , The Owl. Something About Us, YKZ4. Couple Christmas Tree
Head: Lelutka Simone 3.3
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body V4.1
Software Used for editing: Adobe Photoshop CC 2018
Thanks if you read whatever I wrote, or just went through the images or just checked the Credits whatever. Feedback, suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to contact me or just comment down below
About the Author:
Mady ( MadyHades from Second Life ) After Reaching 600+ Followers on Flickr. I started Blogging. Just getting started here. you can see my works in the gallery , you can check the services I offer or Just Contact Me :)