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Accessories & More
Accessories & More

 Bringing you all the Fancy and Modern stuff including accessories, furniture,decors and more..making you look Majestic.

​What is MajestiX?

tThe name is what I came up with for my brand, basically the idea behind it was royalty, Royal, Modern, Luxurious living. To show and feel; make others feel Royal, which doesn't mean rich, even if anyone is poor, they all deserve to feel royal and enjoy the luxury of rich people. Not limited to what you wear. I can't say how successful this idea will be but its my goal and I will try my best to achieve. Wish me luck and I hope you like the Idea and whatever I present!


MajestiX Store

 My startup new store bringing you all the Fancy and Modern stuff including accessories, furniture, decors and more in affordable prices..making you look and feel Majestic. You can buy the products from Marketplace . 


MadyHades from Second Life

Fashionista | Blogger | Virtual Artist | Graphics Designer | Model | Photographer


After Reaching 600+ Followers on Flickr I started Blogging. I am here to provide my services and share my Second Life!  


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MadyHades from Second Life

Fashionista | Blogger | Virtual Artist | Graphics Designer | Model | Photographer


After Reaching 600+ Followers on Flickr I started Blogging. I am here to provide my services and share my Second Life!  


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Hey Guys! I have alot going on these days so wont be regular. I  started my own Store MajestiX. And Married on SL so alot is going on :) Don't forget to check my wedding blog post.

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